The Portland Permit Problem

City officials in Portland are dealing with an interesting issue

Residents in the area will have to enter a “lottery” if they wish to be married in a Portland park. Couples had to submit their information to the lottery in the beginning of November to be granted a permit for 2018 weddings in any of the 200 gardens, parks and natural settings. The process is much different from the prior first-come, first-serve basis.

Pamplin Media stated that the reasoning behind the venue lottery is due to the $195 million Portland building renovations. The general permit process, waiting in line for who knows how long, is put on hold because of this. This may be good new residents who don’t necessarily enjoy lining up outside the building in freezing January weather. The city officials said that in previous years, people would line up to secure their venue overnight, in snowy conditions, just to be first in line for the Permit Center doors to open.


Good news for Portland and cities everywhere: CityForce is open & available all year round

Did you know that you can eliminate the permit submission process entirely? Our CONNECT feature, 1 of 3 in our all-in-one software suite, is a citizen portal designed for enhanced customer interaction (minus the long lines and disgruntled face-to-face communication.)

Reduce the time spent on clerical activities and allow 24/7 access to your department. Connect reduces cycle time, errors and increases revenue.

Customers can fill out:

  • Contractor Registrations
  • Permit Applications & Complaint Filings
  • Document/Plan Upload
  • Notice Letters from Database
  • Permit Status and Agendas
  • Online Payments

All from the comfort of their own home or office! CityForce gives city residents the options to work faster and easier too. It cuts out the time it takes to line up and wait, allowing them to easily submit applications, permits, complaints and registrations. With our current evolution of technology, we know that the power of multitasking and getting things done on the go is important to people. By implementing CityForce, you’re giving your citizens access to completing their own tasks and working with you at any time or place. In addition to having easier access to these materials, CityForce is saving you up to 8-10 hours weekly just be reducing the clerical work you spend so much time on, week in and week out. IMPACT and INSPECT are our two other app features that are specifically related to helping city managers work as efficiently as possible. Read about those on our products page! Portland is choosing the lottery option to run their tasks more efficiently while building construction unfolds, but wouldn’t it be great to do that all year round? Contact our team to give you a 20 minute overview and price quote so we can help you make your office better in 2018!

Start running your current processes quicker and easier – optimize your city with CityForce! Contact us today

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