Technology Helps Citizens Understand City Management

What would you do if you were the Mayor of your city?

That’s the question being asked in São Paulo, Brazil! Brazilians are able to consider this question thanks to the new video game Cidade em Jogo (Cities in play) that allows residents to consider how they would handle the role. Conservation, education, mobility – all the major issues are discussed in the video game prompting young Brazilians to get a better sense of the duties of city managers. Policy goals and fiscal realities all come into play according to Meeting of the Minds. The city of São Paulo has decided to use this as an educational tool in the classroom ands secondary schools around the state, aiming to bring these issues to light in an engaging format.

If you were to ask a teen what they would do as Mayor for a day, you’re more than likely going to get a shoulder shrug. It’s a vague question that inquires about a lot of responsibilities that residents don’t likely know about. Cidade em Jogo gives users a believable scenario in which real life topics are waiting for their decision making. The game was released in August and while it was originally given to young Brazilians, the software has been featured in various events, seminars and training sessions across Brazil and even in Washington D.C.!

The game promotes a higher quality of leadership at all levels of government as well as civic education of how mayors tackle policy changes. Cities in Play is just one way that technology is assisting city managers and residents across the nation.

CityForce is helping cities save time, money and efforts.

Our all-in-one software suite was created to help city managers devote more time to working in the field (and on issues that matter) and less time hunched over their desk, jotting down the same information over and over again. CityForce is proven to reduce 50% of reworks due to errors. It has helped our current clients increase inspector field time by 15%! There’s even a 30% reduction in support time or clerical workload – all by implementing one simple app.

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CityForce has a large variety of helpful features. Scheduling is done simply and quickly through our software, allowing you to plan and manage site and building inspections from the comfort of your mobile device. Generate custom PDF reports automatically while storing data securely in the cloud, eliminating the need for the never-ending filing cabinet or piles of paperwork consuming your desk. CityForce features custom integration into existing systems and streamlines current systems, allowing you to manage permits, inspections and payments all from one location. CityFore was made to help you handle inspections, zoning, permitting, building inspections tons, code enforcement, collecting fees, requesting permits and seeing statuses – on the go, 24/7, digitally. In a world that becomes more technologically advanced every day, help your city move forward by implementing a system that helps you work simpler and faster than ever.

Technology continues to advance the opportunities for your city and enhance your residents’ quality of life.

Optimize your area today – get CityForce! Contact us now for a free overview and a customized price quote specifically detailing your wants and needs.